Beyond The Table Top

The Armies under my command

So the age old question of what set or sets of rules to play and at what scale ?

Well this I can assure you I found a total bewilderment as someone new to the hobby. Was it to be 6mm, 15mm, 20mm or even 28mm and then you even get heroic scale in this to complicate matters . Oh how easy life would be if things were standardised.

Well after much research for WW2 I nearly went with 20mm as I had laid my hands on some  Rapid Fire Rule Sets and Scenarios and found them to my liking but asking around locally only to find most players appeared to favour 28mm with Bolt Action being the popular set of rules.

28mm would also tie in to Napoleonic’s the other period of History that I like and intend to branch into one day , (actually what am I saying I like most periods of history) so 28mm it would be a)they look great on the table and in the display cabinet, b) the modelling side is probably more of a hobby to me than the gaming. c) I do like things uniform.

Right 28mm decided but then the vehicle’s 1:56 or 1:48 ?

If I’m honest 1:48 probably is a better looking scale against the figures especially heroic ones but most people again seam to use 1:56 and they are certainly  more readily available so 1:56 it is.

So the rules .

Ok I get it Bolt Action is popular an Version 3 is a welcome refresh from an historical point, but I do like the look of Rapid Fire and Chain Of Command although I’m yet to try it and then I found great details on the web for Battle Front from Fire and Fury with superb  Battle Orders and formation make ups , and there followed my lightbulb moment , why cant I just increase the board size and ground scale to cope with the other games at 28mm instead of 20mm I fortunately have the space to accommodate a larger table and yes I appreciate it I may even have to tweak a few distance rules. (surely I’m not the first to think this ? It may not work I don’t know as I’ve said I haven’t rolled a dice in anger yet. So there it is I’m building my armies all in 28mm and basing as for Bolt Action but with enough units to cope with Battlefront, Rapid Fire and Chain of Command.

Follows the links below to see my forces.